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Lined Up Books



Reading skills are important in a learner. Some skills that may need extra help or practice would be...


  • Elementary Reading and Phonics: This is the ability to match the sounds of spoken English with individual letters or groups of letters. Learning the relationships of these letters helps students to better decode familiar or unfamiliar words. 


  • Reading Fluency: This is the ability to read at a good pace, with accuracy, and with the right expression. Fluent readers can also better comprehend what they are reading. 


  • Reading Comprehension:  This is the ability to better understand what you're reading and why you're reading it. When reading for comprehension students should be able to make connections between what they read and what they know. They should also be able to think deeply about what they have read. 


  • Foundational Reading Skills: Are skills that students take into account before reading texts or passages in front of them. This will better help with comprehension. 


Math is important in our everyday lives as we use it to calculate finances and make purchases. It is important to know the basic skill to help further our understanding of higher concepts. This is why we provide services with the following skills.


  • Number sense and Fluency: Is the ability to understand, relate, and connect numbers. This helps students see patterns in numbers and creates flexible thinking which can build a foundation for students to work on and solve more complex questions and equations. 


  • Elementary Math: From early math skills such as learning to count or place value to arithmetics we can provide the extra support or extension activities to take what your students learn in school and practice the skills to gain a better understanding. 


  • Pre Algebra: From functions and linear models to exponents and percentages we can help your student practice or expand their knowledge.

Summer Tutoring Program

We will be running two-2 week learning camps in Math and Reading.

  • Each session will be an hour long and be focused on the basic skill recommended for your student's age

  • Skills will be standards based and open to all students from 2nd to 6th grade. 


Week one: Combines teaching with practice

  • Everything starts with a good structure and deep understanding of what you're learning and why.

  • Students with real life examples to show how these skills can be useful in real life. 


Week two: Consists of one project-based activity

  • Incorporates everything we have learned

  • Give students different  ways to show what they have learned whether it be a written, visual, or oral presentation. 


Not all students learn the same nor do they process information the same way

We want students to show what they know in a way that is most comfortable for them



The learning camp will help get your child back into creative thinking shape and ready for the new school year!

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